Tuesday 1 February 2011

Happy New Year

Really? Yes, really! I've never been terribly good with dates, deadlines, diaries or calenders so for me, given that I am 9 months out of 12 up to my elbows in compost, the idea of a new year being right in the middle of winter is a little odd.

But today? yes. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the soil is no longer doing it's permafrost impression and things are starting to grow.

A couple of days ago Little Button and I sowed the first seeds. Well, she did really, I just passed tools and tried to keep things contained. Lot of fun, lot of mess and she is now devastatingly proud of her seeds in the "warm seed house", 'propagator' being a bit of a linguistic challenge when you are only 3.

It was, I think, the same day that I came across the idea of 101 in 1001 - a list of 101 things that you want to achieve in the next 1001 days. Despite my dislike of organisation, this one grabbed me. Possibly because it is less structured than a to-do list and possibly because it starts today (my own new year) and ends, 2 years, 9 months down the line, shortly before I turn 40. erk.

I'm not posting my own list here, so mch of it is so odd, so personal or so boring that by the time I'd edited them out, all that would be left would be Work Harder, Grow More, Stop Faffing. But a great set of coincidences (including good weather. Good weather always helps) has got me out of winter sluggishness and finally inspired to do all the things I keep putting off, be they work or play.

So, to all of you, happy new year. Let there be growth!


  1. Happy new year to you too! Top of my list would be to finish writing the list... 101 things is an awful lot to write down!

  2. Helen, it was surprisingly hard! My to-do lists could be used to wallpaper Westminster, but actual, proper, one-off achievements designed to push me a little as well as be fun and/or useful?

    Made me think a bit. Though that's maybe not a bad thing ;-)

  3. All the best with it chuck, if nothing else, the exercise of constructing and writing the list itself probably had great value for gathering thoughts.

    Happy New Year!

  4. I wanted to share this piece of jewelry with you. I only made one as I am really bad at choosing. I worked with the few buttons that I had. Should I do more for my jewelry line, I will definitely contact you and order a selection. Your blog is so lovely and personal..I will return often.http://www.tabblo.com/studio/stories/shared/30576/sh1dt5oezfw4g7k

    Regards & best wishes,
    Michelle York
